Note Selling Process

Selling you Promissory Note is a very easy & simple process.

Submit a FastQuote or call 1-888-297-4099 to receive a free cash offer on your mortgage note today!

Steps Involved In Selling Your Note For Cash

Step 1-Fill Online Quote Form & Receive Cash Offer.

Start the process by completing our online quote form, and within no time, you'll receive a cash offer.

Step 2-Accept The OfferAfter Reading All terms.

Accept the offer after thoroughly reviewing all terms and conditions of the note sale.

Step 3-Sign Sale Agreement And Send Back.

Sign the sale agreement provided by our brokerage and promptly return it back to us.

Step 4-We Open Escrow, Order Title & Appraisal

Initiating Transaction Security: We Open Escrow, Secure Title, and Evaluate Property Value with an Appraisal.

Step 5-All Underwritting is Done and Closing is Scheduled.

All underwriting is complete, and the closing date is scheduled for the finalization of the transaction.

Step 6-Get The Cash Once DocsSigned and Sale Closed.

After the documents are signed and the sale has successfully closed, you'll receive the lump sum cash.

Documents Needed To Sell Your Note

service with a smile

Our Note Sellers Believe in Us

Trusted Partnerships

At Cash Note USA, we pride ourselves on cultivating trusted partnerships with our note sellers. Our commitment to transparency, integrity, and fairness has earned us the unwavering belief of countless note sellers across the nation. We understand that selling a promissory note is a significant financial decision, and our approach is designed to instill confidence in every step of the process.

Proven Track Record

Our proven track record speaks volumes about our dedication to our note sellers. Over the years, we have successfully facilitated numerous note sales, delivering exceptional results. Our note sellers trust us to provide competitive offers, navigate complex transactions, and ensure a smooth closing process. This trust is built on the foundation of our expertise and the value we bring to each transaction.

Tailored Solutions

Every note seller is unique, and we recognize that their financial goals and circumstances vary. Our commitment to understanding the specific needs of our sellers enables us to offer tailored solutions. Whether it’s a residential mortgage note, a commercial promissory note, or any other type of note, our approach is customized to meet the individual objectives of our valued note sellers.

Exceptional Service

At Cash Note USA, exceptional service is not just a promise; it’s our commitment. Our dedicated team is always ready to go the extra mile, providing timely and clear communication. We believe that every note seller deserves personalized attention, and we deliver on this belief by offering a seamless and hassle-free experience from inquiry to cash in hand.

Client Testimonials

The belief our note sellers have in us is best expressed through their own words. Read the testimonials of our satisfied sellers who have experienced the difference of working with Cash Note USA. Their stories reflect the trust they’ve placed in us and the successful outcomes we’ve consistently delivered.

Join Our Community of Satisfied Note Sellers

When you choose Cash Note USA, you’re not just partnering with a note buying company; you’re becoming part of a community of satisfied note sellers. Discover the difference of working with a trusted ally who believes in your financial goals and is dedicated to helping you achieve them through note sales. Join us today, and experience the confidence of working with a team that truly values your trust and partnership.


Tailor-Made Solutions For You.

Average Close Takes Place Within 30 Days.


  • Get Fast cash for your real estate note
  • Many years in the note buying industry
  • Experienced staff providing optimal service
  • We know the value of a trusted relationship
  • Fast, Easy process – Close in as little as 2-4 weeks!

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What Our Clients Have To Say​

Highest Prices On Notes
Fast Response Times

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